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Climate Change Topic

Behind the Curve

Behind the Curve

Science and the Politics of Global Warming

Joshua P. Howe



A Chelsea House Title

Dana Desonie

Climate and Culture Change in North America AD 900 to 1600

Climate and Culture Change in North America AD 900 to 1600

William C. Foster

Coffee Is Not Forever

Coffee Is Not Forever

A Global History of the Coffee Leaf Rust

Stuart McCook

Consuming Katrina

Consuming Katrina

Public Disaster and Personal Narrative

Kate Parker Horigan

The Five-Ton Life

The Five-Ton Life

Carbon, America, and the Culture That May Save Us

Susan Subak

Global Climate Change

Global Climate Change

A Primer

Orrin H. Pilkey and Keith C. Pilkey



Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World

Timothy Morton

Rising Tides

Rising Tides

Climate Refugees in the Twenty-First Century

John R. Wennersten and Denise Robbins


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University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks
