The Quest to Find the True Age of the Universe and the Theory of Everything
John Gribbin
A Clouded Leopard in the Middle of the Road
New Thinking about Roads, People, and Wildlife
Darryl Jones
A Family History of Illness
Memory as Medicine
Brett L. Walker
A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans
with A Theory of Meaning
Jakob von Uexküll
A World to Live In
An Ecologist's Vision for a Plundered Planet
George M. Woodwell
Across Atlantic Ice
The Origin of America's Clovis Culture
Dennis J. Stanford and Bruce A. Bradley
After Eden
The Evolution of Human Domination
Kirkpatrick Sale
An Unnatural Metropolis
Wresting New Orleans from Nature
Craig E. Colten
Animals as Domesticates
A World View through History
Juliet Clutton-Brock
Animals as Neighbors
The Past and Present of Commensal Animals
Terry O'Connor
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A Guide to Understanding the Universe
Günther Hasinger
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A Doctor's Education
Margaret E. Mohrmann MD
Attention Deficit Disorder
The Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults
Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.
Behind the Curve
Science and the Politics of Global Warming
Joshua P. Howe
Beyond Matter
Why Science Needs Metaphysics
Roger Trigg
Big Bone Lick
The Cradle of American Paleontology
Stanley Hedeen
Brutes or Angels?
Human Possibility in the Age of Biotechnology
James T. Bradley Ph.D.
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and Other Earth-Shattering Disasters
Donald R. Prothero
Cities That Think like Planets
Complexity, Resilience, and Innovation in Hybrid Ecosystems
Marina Alberti
A Chelsea House Title
Dana Desonie
Climate and Culture Change in North America AD 900 to 1600
William C. Foster
Coffee Is Not Forever
A Global History of the Coffee Leaf Rust
Stuart McCook
Come Fly with Us
NASA's Payload Specialist Program
Melvin Croft and John Youskauskas
Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist
Christof Koch
Health, Fear, Sovereignty
edited by Bruce Magnusson and edited by Zahi Zalloua
Curing Medicare
A Doctor's View on How Our Health Care System Is Failing Older Americans and How We Can Fix It
Andy Lazris
Darwin's on the Origin of Species
A Modern Rendition
Daniel Duzdevich
Dazzle Gradually
Dorion Sagan and Lynn Margulis
Deep Brain Stimulation
A New Treatment Shows Promise in the Most Difficult Cases
Jamie Talan
Diseases and Human Evolution
Ethne Barnes
Doctors' Orders
The Making of Status Hierarchies in an Elite Profession
Tania M. Jenkins
Does Altruism Exist?
Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others
David Sloan Wilson
Dolphin Mysteries
Unlocking the Secrets of Communication
Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D. and Toni Frohoff, Ph.D.
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The Theater of All Possibilities
Rebecca Reider
Early Humans
A Chelsea House Title
Thom Holmes
Everyday Quantum Reality
David A. Grandy
Exceptional Creativity in Science and Technology
Individuals, Institutions, and Innovations
Edited by Andrew Robinson
Extreme Birder
One Woman's Big Year
Lynn E. Barber
Fighting Cancer with Knowledge and Hope
A Guide for Patients, Families, and Health Care Providers
Richard C. Frank, M.D.
Final Countdown
NASA and the End of the Space Shuttle Program
Pat Duggins
The Spark That Ignited Human Evolution
Frances D. Burton
Fire in America
A Cultural History of Wildland and Rural Fire
Stephen J. Pyne
First Life
Discovering the Connections between Stars, Cells, and How Life Began
David Deamer
Flock Together
A Love Affair with Extinct Birds
B. J. Hollars
Footprints in the Dust
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Global Climate Change
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Go, Flight!
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Creating Environments That Protect Human Health
John Wargo
Homesteading Space
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Humans and the Natural Environment
A Chelsea House Title
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Science as a Source of Inspiration
Lothar Schäfer
In the Path of Destruction
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Richard Waitt
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Jane Goodall
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Kidney for Sale by Owner
Human Organs, Transplantation, and the Market
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Lake Invaders
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William Rapai
Life And Death In Intensive Care
Joan Cassell
Working with Farm Animals from Birth to Slaughter
Rhoda M. Wilkie
Long Hops
Making Sense of Bird Migration
Mark Denny
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A Chelsea House Title
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Listening, Moving, Feeling, and Thinking
Arnie Cox
Natural Selection
A Chelsea House Title
J. Phil Gibson and Terri R. Gibson
No More Joint Pain
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Jean Watson
On Human Nature
Revised Edition
Edward O. Wilson
Outposts on the Frontier
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The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change
William R. Catton
A Brief History of Life
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Peregrine Falcon
Stories of the Blue Meanie
James H. Enderson
Pests in the City
Flies, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, and Rats
Dawn Day Biehler
Protecting Yellowstone
Science and the Politics of National Park Management
Michael J. Yochim
Debunking a Scientific Myth
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A Chelsea House Title
E.A. Tremblay
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From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes
Julie Michelle Klinger
Reality Check
How Science Deniers Threaten Our Future
Donald R. Prothero
Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste
Heirloom Seed Savers in Appalachia
Bill Best
Shrink Rap
Three Psychiatrists Explain Their Work
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How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness
Christopher Lane
Assessing Sleep Need in Society Today
Jim Horne
Strangers to Ourselves
Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious
Timothy D. Wilson
The 7 Sexes
Biology of Sex Determination
Elof Axel Carlson
The Accidental Mind
How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and God
David J. Linden
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The Big Bang
A Chelsea House Title
Mike Perricone
The Cosmic Blueprint
New Discoveries in Nature's Creative Ability to Order the Universe
Paul Davies
The Deep Structure of Biology
Is Convergence Sufficiently Ubiquitous to Give a Directional Signal?
Edited by Simon Conway Morris
The Embodied Mind
Cognitive Science and Human Experience
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The End of Stress as We Know It
Edited by Bruce S. McEwen and Elizabeth Lasley
The Evolved Apprentice
How Evolution Made Humans Unique
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The Field Researcher's Handbook
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Allan G. Johnson
The Genial Gene
Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness
Joan Roughgarden
The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere
Paulette F. C. Steeves
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Selected Essays
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David A. Dalton
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Why We (Usually) Follow the Golden Rule
Donald W. Pfaff
The Ordinary Spaceman
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The Power of Two
A Twin Triumph Over Cystic Fibrosis
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John C. Hagan III
The Speed of Light
Constancy and Cosmos
David Grandy
The Storm of Creativity
Kyna Leski
The Temperamental Thread
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Jerome Kagan
The Unheeded Cry
Animal Consciousness, Animal Pain, and Science
Bernard E. Rollin
Therapy Breakthrough
Why Some Psychotherapies Work Better Than Others
Michael R. Edelstein, Richard K. Kujoth and David Ramsay Steele
Through Animals' Eyes, Again
Stories of Wildlife Rescue
Lynn Marie Cuny
Timberline, U.S.A.
High-Country Encounters from California to Maine
Donald Mace Williams
Tracing Autism
Uncertainty, Ambiguity, and the Affective Labor of Neuroscience
Des Fitzgerald
Trailblazing Mars
NASA's Next Giant Leap
Pat Duggins
Twilight of the Mammoths
Ice Age Extinctions and the Rewilding of America
Paul S. Martin
UFOs, Chemtrails, and Aliens
What Science Says
Donald R. Prothero
Understanding Pain
Exploring the Perception of Pain
Fernando Cervero
USS Monitor
A Historic Ship Completes Its Final Voyage
John D. Broadwater
Vanished Islands and Hidden Continents of the Pacific
Patrick D. Nunn
Water 4.0
The Past, Present, and Future of the World's Most Vital Resource
David Sedlak
What Galileo Saw
Imagining the Scientific Revolution
Lawrence Lipking
Wheels Stop
The Tragedies and Triumphs of the Space Shuttle Program, 1986-2011
Rick Houston
When Your Child Hurts
Effective Strategies to Increase Comfort, Reduce Stress, and Break the Cycle of Chronic Pain
Rachael Coakley
Where Night Is Day
The World of the ICU
James Kelly
Where Rivers Meet the Sea
The Political Ecology of Water
Stephanie C. Kane
Wild Justice
The Moral Lives of Animals
Marc Bekoff and Jessica Pierce
Women in Ancient America
Karen Olsen Bruhns and Karen E. Stothert
Yellowstone Wildlife
Ecology and Natural History of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Paul A. Johnsgard