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Chicago Topic

Al Capone and His American Boys

Al Capone and His American Boys

Memoirs of a Mobster's Wife

William J. Helmer



Metropolis of the Mid-Continent, 4th Edition

Irving Cutler

Chicago Death Trap

Chicago Death Trap

The Iroquois Theatre Fire of 1903

Nat Brandt

Chicago's Greatest Year, 1893

Chicago's Greatest Year, 1893

The White City and the Birth of a Modern Metropolis

Joseph Gustaitis

The Green Hornet Street Car Disaster

The Green Hornet Street Car Disaster

Craig Allen Cleve

Heartland Serial Killers

Heartland Serial Killers

Belle Gunness, Johann Hoch, and Murder for Profit in Gaslight Era Chicago

Richard Lindberg

Scarface Al and the Crime Crusaders

Scarface Al and the Crime Crusaders

Chicago's Private War Against Capone

Dennis E. Hoffman

The Tunnel under the Lake

The Tunnel under the Lake

The Engineering Marvel That Saved Chicago

Benjamin Sells

Walter's Perspective

Walter's Perspective

A Memoir of Fifty Years in Chicago TV News

Walter Jacobson


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University Press Audiobooks
an imprint of Redwood Audiobooks

University Press Audiobooks
