Synchronicity, Science, and Soulmaking
Understanding Jungian Synchronicity Through Physics, Buddhism, and Philosphy
Victor Mansfield
Narrated by Charles Henderson Norman
Available from Audible
Book published by Open Court
The central motif running through this thought-provoking book is Jung's most misunderstood concept, synchronicity. By deftly meshing his interpretation of synchronicity with key concepts in quantum physics and Middle Way Buddhism, Victor Mansfield brings fresh insight to our understanding of synchronicity.
Victor Mansfield is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Colgate University.
“Bringing together Jungian psychology, Buddhist meditation, particle physics, and analytical philosophy, Mansfield secures a subtle, sophisticated and respectable foundation for a phenomenon that challenges our fundamental beliefs about space and time ... one of the best attempts to relate the now-familiar oddities of new physics to synchronistic phenomena. Anyone familiar with the crazy behavior of elementary particles will find a fresh approach in Mansfield's speculations, and his chapters on on-locality and complementarity are excellent introductions for those new to these subjects.”
—Gnosis “Buddhism in clear and simple terms.”
—Michael Toms, New Dimensions Radio